Tuesday, September 20, 2011


This trip to Ely was a repeat for Tom but it is an easy train trip from Cambridge of a bit more than 15 minutes.  Riding the train definitely brings back memories of Germany only this time there's no reason for us to get lost.  We spent part of the trip talking to some charming young ladies from Italy who were here studying for a month.  They were eager to practice their English; we wish we could have learned some Italian.

Fens abound around Ely and in those fens are the eels.  Eels are everywhere in Ely and celebrated in the local art.

A mosaic eel made from pottery bits in Jubilee Park.

The sign says "The Way of the Cross" but I think the eel motif is present too.  This cross is in the Cathedral.

We visited the Lady Chapel as Tom had done before but this time spent more time looking at the walls.  The chapel was badly damaged during the time of Henry VIII when statues were removed, windows broken, and figures in alcoves were beheaded.  Now the chapel takes its theme of "brokenness" from the physical damage.

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