Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Neighborhood

Lest you think all of Cambridge is classical buildings with Gothic spires or Norman arches and slate roofs, here are some pictures of where we live on the west side of the city--a very modern building much easier to maintain than the older buildings.

7 Charles Babbage Road (Charles Babbage is given credit for originating the concept of a programmable computer)

Rectangular is beautiful--even the trees!

Some of our gentle neighbors--the veterinary school is across the road from us.

The field along the footpath we walk everyday.  It's been planted for the winter. On windy days the gusts coming across the field make for a challenging walk on the way back from grocery shopping.

Burrell's Walk

Garret Hostel Lane--the canals on either side are full of duck weed.

Our bridge over the Cam--a deceptively steep incline.  Beyond this bridge are a few more narrow passages and then the city center.

The walk, lane and bridge are full of meandering pedestrians and speeding bicyclists during the day.  There does not seem to be a tradition of one side of the path being for cyclists and the other for pedestrians.  It's a free for all!  I am amazed I have not seen any collisions.

Every once in awhile there's an unexpected visitor along the canal that calls for a pleasant pause in the daily routine.

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